imagine if theatre

imagine if aims to actively improve disadvantaged people’s lives through arts-based interventions, workshops, and productions.
Over the last nine years we have worked predominantly with prisoners and people with convictions who have a range of disadvantages. From 2024, we will use our vast experience of working with prisoners/people with convictions to focus on engaging with and enacting progressive change in the lives of young people aged 16-25 with lived experience of the care system in Leeds, through the arts. Although this is a new area for imagine if to work in, one in four prisoners have lived experience of the care system, which equates to 2,250 of the 9,000 prisoners we have worked with to date.
“It gave the men a positive hope for the future which is so important and vital to aiding reducing the chance of re-offending.” HMP Moorland on the work imagine if do.
We are part of Arts Together because … we are stronger together!
imagine if theatre, Seven Hills Business Centre, South Street, Morley, Leeds, LS27 8AT

A production image from imagine ifs outdoor production ‘Is Anyone There’ led by People with Convictions at Slung Low 2021

imagine ifs ‘Writers Toolbox’ programme for working class women in Leeds which ran throughout 2023
People you may meet
Chesca Joy
I’m Chesca and I live in Leeds with my little rescue dog (I’m not sure who rescued who to be honest). I founded imagine if back in 2015 coz I really believe that the arts have the power to change lives.