Adults and Health Directorate

The Adults and Health department at Leeds City Council co-ordinates public health activity and social support across the city. We believe wholeheartedly in the positive impact that the arts can have on people’s well-being. The department funds arts-based organisations on a long term basis as well as shorter bespoke projects, including theatre and dance projects and delivery of arts/craft sessions in local communities.

We also fund the arts within healthcare settings and care homes, recognising that for many people arts has a therapeutic effect and keeps people well for longer.

The department currently focusses upon supporting arts in communities that may experience barriers to accessing things like dance or theatre programmes. For example, we have funded Dazl Dance for many years, which works with young people in South Leeds and Hey Days – a project for older people run with The Leeds Playhouse.  Through the Public Health community heath development project Better Together we also support everyday creativity through providing arts and craft sessions that people say they are keen to do.

You sometimes think should I be feeling as happy as this, you know, having fun, …you feel better coming here…yeah, and I think if you’re feeling a bit shy it helps bring you out…I mean I’m doing things now in this that 10 years ago I would never, ever have done”  (participant: Dancing in Time).

We are part of Arts Together because we believe that the arts is vital health & wellbeing – we want to make sure that everyone in Leeds has the same opportunity to benefit.

Contact details

Leeds City Council,
110 Merrion Centre

Tel. 0113 222 4401

Email: [email protected]

People you may meet

  • Carmel Langstaff

  • Sarah Erskine

    Hi, I’m Sarah and I work in Public Health. My job is focussed on ensuring that everyone in Leeds has the same opportunity to have good mental health and that they can access mental health support that meets their needs. I’m passionate about the positive impact that the arts has on individuals and communities. I’m a particular fan of all things literary and musical. Fun Fact: I’m part of team that puts on a community pantomime every Christmas – although you’ll usually find me backstage!