Mafwa Theatre
Photo Credit: Tom Arber
At Mafwa Theatre we make theatre with sanctuary seekers (people who have refugee status or are seeking asylum) and the wider Leeds community. We currently run Kuluhenna Drama, a weekly group held on Thursday mornings, 10:30 – 12:00 at Leeds Anglers Club, open to any self identifying women. Sessions are focussed on having fun, developing creative skills and making new friends. If this sounds like your cup of tea, come along! And that reminds us, we have refreshments at every session too.
In 2022 we started Lincoln Greeners, a weekly gardening group held at Roxby Close. Lincoln Greeners are now meeting weekly on Tuesdays, 10:30 – 12:30 at Roxby Close.
Sign up to join
“It was exciting to be part of the project and I never thought I would actually perform. To stand up and perform was a breakthrough for me. Before this I was 8 months doing nothing, now I come to this group and I make friends” Mafwa Theatre member, 2019
We are part of Arts Together because at Mafwa we believe that collaboration and solidarity are essential to creating and sharing the highest quality creative experiences. United we are stronger!
Contact details
Mafwa Theatre
Patrick Studios
Saint Mary’s Lane
Email: [email protected]
People you may meet
Tamsin Cook
Hello, I run Mafwa Theatre sessions alongside Keziah. I love working at Mafwa because every week is different! I like solving creative problems with a great group of creative, funny and kind women. The best moments are when we are in the middle of an activity and something unexpected happens, which gets the whole room laughing uncontrollably together!
Keziah Berelson
Running Mafwa Theatre with Tamsin is brilliant because anything could happen each week. At the moment we are working on a project about cooking which means loads of delicious food and we have only set off the smoke alarm once! I love this project because I used to be a chef in France.