DISrupt is a collective of disabled artists in Leeds. We want disabled artists to get the recognition we deserve in the art world and to be able to take part equally.
We are all dedicated artists who take our work seriously. We make art that is original, ambitious, exciting and relevant. We are committed to developing
our artistic practices so that we can share our view of the world.
We have come together to have a collective voice to support disabled
artists with their professional development, to amplify and promote
disabled artists’ work and to disrupt disabling barriers in the arts, starting in
Leeds. We want to work with anyone who shares these aims.
We plan to organise collaborative projects amongst our members and with other people and organisations. Please get in touch if you’d like to work with us.
We’d love to hear from other disabled artists, working in any art form, in Leeds. We’d welcome new members.
“I feel really overwhelmed because of this opportunity to take part [online exhibition]. By inviting me to participate in the exhibition started something in me, an urge to get back to my practice as I was craving to work.”
We are part of Arts Together because we want to make sure that disabled artists are involved in discussions about the arts in Leeds. And we are keen to work in partnership with individuals and organisations who share our aim of making the arts in Leeds more accessible and inclusive. Being part of Arts Together is a great way to make those connections.
Contact details
Gill Crawshaw
Email: [email protected]