We are excited to announce that Leeds has been selected as 1 of 20 places across the UK to host a section of The Baton of Hope – a large-scale suicide prevention and awareness raising campaign, with the theme of “Hope“.
This will be coming to Leeds on the 10th of September 2025 – which is also World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD).
We see this event as something that could be supported and delivered in partnership across the sector in the city and as such as would love to invite you to be involved.
About The Tour
The Baton of Hope was started in 2022 by two dads bereaved by child suicide, who were passionate about increasing awareness around suicide prevention and spreading hope to others across the country.
The campaign has rapidly grown and attracted interest across the UK and globally, with many famous and influential people advocating for change towards a zero suicide society. This led to the very first physical symbol of hope for suicide prevention being created by Thomas Lyte (the official gold and silversmith to the FA cup) now known as the Baton of Hope.
The tour itself passes the Baton of Hope between people bereaved by suicide to show their strength and hope to others that none of us are alone and suicide is everybody’s business. Volunteers who hold the baton form a relay and carry the baton through the city, passing different spaces, communities, venues and events, and ending at a finale event, with a call to action and celebration of hope.
Previous tours have been incredibly powerful and moving, and have generated significant media interest, helping to raise awareness of this important issue – and this year’s tour is bigger than ever before!
Ways to Get Involved:
Apply to be a Baton Bearer
People who may have been bereaved or affected by suicide of anybody close to them, can apply to carry the Baton of Hope for a section of the tour. To do this, please apply directly here: Become a Baton-bearer – Baton of Hope (Please note the closing date is 31 January!) – Please can you promote this opportunity amongst your networks?
Walk with the Baton Bearers and Show Support
Walking alongside the Baton Bearer(s) to show solidarity and support for the campaign (for as long or short as you like- the tour will be all day long)
This could be as individuals, as a walking group, a sports team, an organisation, a peer support group, or even a group of friends!
Welcoming the Baton to your venue / community space
The tour will be from 7am – 6pm and we hope to cover as much of Leeds as we can in that time to showcase our outstanding community spirit and diversity.
By welcoming the Baton of Hope at your venue/ community space at some point in the day, you would see the Baton be handed over, show your support by welcoming the baton bearers and have brief media opportunities.
Due to the length of the day, we will also need to use facilities and refuel with refreshments along the way, so if you are able to support this any way, we would be most grateful but it is not essential for all venues.
Showcase your organisation or project
Are you planning an event for WSPD? Please let us know if you are, as it may be possible for the Baton entourage to visit or join your event, spend time with you and show solidarity.
It would be particularly great to visit events with a positive message of Hope, including things like arts sessions, music performances or anything else that might spread the message of Hope in your community, on World Suicide Prevention Day – the more diverse the better!
Present, Support, or Simply Join The Finale Event
We are planning a “finale” event where we hope to invite people to make pledges to work together to reduce suicide.
Would you like to present at this event? Could you bring something unique to make our finale event even bigger – this could be a performance, a display, or anything you think would help spread hope and awareness. Would you like to join us and pledge your support?
Finally, we would welcome you all to spread the word about this opportunity, by sharing and promoting to those you work with
To get involved in any of the ways above, or if you need more information, please contact us using the details below by January 17th to express an interest in being involved, and we will organise an information session in the new year.
(Please note that individual applicants to be a baton bearer need to apply directly through the Baton of Hope website by 31/1/25- it’s a short deadline)
More information is here: The Baton of Hope Began It’s Inaugural Tour of The UK or on socials @BatonOfHopeUK
To get involved contact – LCC Public Health Mental Health team